The 7 Day Theory Vol 1 and 2.
The rabbit hole goes as deep as you are willing to dig...
Most people know their "astrology sign" but have never heard of a birth chart. Essentially our "astrology sign" (in quotes for a reason you will understand after reading the book) is but one aspect of our astrological Natal charts, also called a Birth chart. After reading this book you will not only understand the difference between what mainstream academia calls astrology and true ancient astrology. But, and even more importantly, you will have a greater understanding of yourself. AND whomever else you wish! It is all in the stars, as they say.
Now for the professional or adept astrologer and metaphysician this eBook is for you as well. It is written in essentially two parts. It is 7 Chapters (a Preface, Introduction and Conclusion) which are titled as follows:
1. Modern Science and Ancient Thought
2. Astrology and the Bible
3. Etymology for Everyday
4. What is a Birth Chart?
5. the Cycles of Life
6. Astrology Everywhere
7. What are We Here For?
The first three chapters are for the novice. Those whom no little to nothing about metaphysics in general. Laying the foundation not unlike the first 3 chakras from the Root to the Solar. The 4th chapter, or Heart chakra teaches one how to use the birth chart for self-enlightenment. Which opens one up for self-Love i.e. Heart Chakra. Chapters 5 through 7 teaches one how to utilize what they have learned. For the more studied this is where you may find things you have never heard. I make some bold claims in these chapter, especially the 7th, and therefore named the eBook "The 7 Day Theory". This book is a little different from others in the sense that it requires the reader to do some WORK! The 7 Day Theory is in fact, a theory. Not to grandstand but it is is essentially my theory of life. Therefore, the only way I can prove/disprove my theory is to experiment. And self-experimentation can only take you so far. I have proven what I need to myself, to the point I need you, the read, to confirm or deny my findings. So yes, The 7 Day Theory is a Science experiment. All it requires from you is self-interest. Do you love yourself? Then why not try to learn as much about yourself as possible? Do you hate yourself? Do not, you are beautiful. Nobody’s perfect. Sometimes an objective view of ourselves can help us see our mistakes. The birth chart is that objective view. In the 5th chapter specifically i share a technique for using your birth chart to study past major event astrologically. This was great for me personally battling depression. I gained an understanding that in-turn made me happy for where I was NOW. Consequently, making me grateful for what I have been through. reversing the negative emotion attached to the said event(s).
Volume 2 table of contents:
• Introduction
1. Houses
2. The Aspects of Disposition
3. Degrees and Dwads
4. The Circles of 7
5. 777
6. Astrological Determinism
7. The Moor you Know
So, I wrote this book because the study has helped me personally, so I offer it to the world. Peace and love.
A case for Astrological determinism.